memory - How to solve error process returned -1073741819 in C -

this going minesweeper not finished yet. now, program should ask size of array , number of mines. then, shows hidden board (the 1 numbers , 'x' mines). that's all.

the problem program stop working error

process returned -1073741819 <0xc0000005>

i think it's memory problem, don't know problem is.

sorry, because comments in spanish. i'll try add in capital letters make understandable. code:


#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "tablero/tablero.h" #include <stdbool.h>  int main() {     int fils, cols, nminas; //rows, columns, number of mines     printf("introduzca el número de filas: ");     scanf("%d", &fils);     printf("introduzca el número de columna: ");     scanf("%d", &cols);     printf("introduzca el número de minas: ");     scanf("%d", &nminas);      tablero tab = creartablero(fils, cols, nminas);//create board     mostrartablero(tab.taboculto, tab.x, tab.y);//show hidden board      liberartablero(tab);//free memory      return 0; } 


#ifndef tablero_h_included #define tablero_h_included  typedef struct{     int x;//rows     int y;//columns     int numminas;//number of mines     char **taboculto;//hidden board     char **tabvisible;//visible board } tablero;  tablero creartablero(int x, int y, int numminas);//create board  void mostrartablero(char **tab, int x, int y);//show board  void liberartablero(tablero tab);//free board  #endif // tablero_h_included 


#include "tablero.h" #include <stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<time.h>  //create board tablero creartablero(int x, int y, int numminas){     tablero tab;      tab.x = x;//rows     tab.y = y;//columns     tab.numminas = numminas;//number of mines     int i, j, k, l;      //iniciamos y establecemos el contenido del tablero que se va ver por consola     //initiate , establish content of visible board     tab.tabvisible = (char**) malloc (x * sizeof(char*));     for(i = 0; < x; i++)         tab.tabvisible[i] = (char*) malloc (y * sizeof(char));     //rellenamos con asteriscos para marcar la casilla normal     for(i = 0; < x; i++)         for(j = 0; j < y; j++)             tab.tabvisible[i][j] = '*';      //iniciamos y establecemos el contenido del tablero oculto, que se irá identificando     //initiate , establish content of hidden board     tab.taboculto = (char**) malloc (x * sizeof(char*));     for(i = 0; < x; i++)         tab.taboculto[i] = (char*) malloc (y * sizeof(char));     //rellenamos con ceros antes de distribuir minas     //first, fill '0'     for(i = 0; < x; i++)         for(j = 0; j < y; j++)             tab.taboculto[i][j] = '0';     //introducimos las minas aleatoriamente     //establish random mine position     srand(time(null));     for(i = 0; < tab.numminas; i++)         tab.taboculto[(int)rand() % x][(int)rand() % y] = 'x';      //ponemos los números según las minas que tengan alrededor     //put numbers depending on quantity of mines around , position     for(i = 0; < x; i++)         for(j = 0; j < y; j++)             if(tab.taboculto[i][j] == 'x'){                 //esquina superior izquierda: de posx, posy posx+1, posy+1                 if(i == 0 && j == 0){                     for(k = i; k <= i+1; k++)                         for(l = j; l <= j+1; l++)                             if(tab.taboculto[k][l] != 'x')                                 tab.taboculto[k][l]++;                 }                 //esquina superior derecha: de posx, posy-1 posx+1, posy                 else if(i == 0 && j == y){                     for(k = i; k <= i+1; k++)                         for(l = j-1; l <= j; l++)                             if(tab.taboculto[k][l] != 'x')                                 tab.taboculto[k][l]++;                 }                 //esquina inferior izquierda: de posx-1, posy posx, posy+1                 else if(i == x && j == 0){                     for(k = i-1; k <= i; k++)                         for(l = j; l <= j+1; l++)                             if(tab.taboculto[k][l] != 'x')                                 tab.taboculto[k][l]++;                 }                 //esquina inferior derecha: de posx-1, posy-1 posx, posy                 else if(i == x && j == y){                     for(k = i-1; k <= i; k++)                         for(l = j-1; l <= j; l++)                             if(tab.taboculto[k][l] != 'x')                                 tab.taboculto[k][l]++;                 }                 //borde superior: de posx, posy-1 posx+1, posy+1                 else if(i == 0){                     for(k = i; k <= i+1; k++)                         for(l = j-1; l <= j+1; l++)                             if(tab.taboculto[k][l] != 'x')                                 tab.taboculto[k][l]++;                 }                 //borde inferior: de posx-1, posy-1 posx, posy+1                 else if(i == x){                     for(k = i-1; k <= i; k++)                         for(l = j-1; l <= j+1; l++)                             if(tab.taboculto[k][l] != 'x')                                 tab.taboculto[k][l]++;                 }                 //borde izquierdo: de posx-1, posy posx+1, posy+1                 else if(j == 0){                     for(k = i-1; k <= i+1; k++)                         for(l = j; l <= j+1; l++)                             if(tab.taboculto[k][l] != 'x')                                 tab.taboculto[k][l]++;                 }                 //borde derecho: de posx-1, posy-1 posx+1, posy                 else if(j == y){                     for(k = i-1; k <= i+1; k++)                         for(l = j-1; l <= j; l++)                             if(tab.taboculto[k][l] != 'x')                                 tab.taboculto[k][l]++;                 }                 //sin borde: de posx-1, posy-1 posx+1, posy+1                 else{                     for(k = i-1; k <= i+1; k++)                         for(l = j-1; l <= j+1; l++)                             if(tab.taboculto[k][l] != 'x')                                 tab.taboculto[k][l]++;                 }             }     return tab; } //show board void mostrartablero(char **tab, int x, int y){     int i, j;     for(i = 0; < x; i++){         for(j = 0; j < y; j++)             printf(" %c ", tab[i][j]);         printf("\n");     } } //free board void liberartablero(tablero tab){     //liberamos la memoria reservada los arrays     int i;     for(i = 0; < tab.x; i++){         free(tab.taboculto[i]);         free(tab.tabvisible[i]);     }     free(tab.taboculto);     free(tab.tabvisible); } 

you 1 off when determine when @ right or bottom borders:

if (j == y) 

this can't true, because occurs in loop condition j < y. right , bottom border cases never entered , end accessing fields @ j + 1 , i + 1, 1 entry beyond array.

you don't need distinguish between cases @ all. case determines bounds of neighbouring area scan, simple calculation , adjust range when on border:

int jmin = j - 1; int jmax = j + 1;  if (j == 0) jmin = 0; if (jmax == y) jmax = y - 1; 

and likewise i. rid of lot of repetitive code.


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