java - Unable to display nodes of the list properly starting from the tail to head -
my insert method explanation: assigned "next variable" of tail hold address of old node. assigned tail new node inserted list.
i tried display list starting tail , going through list until reached head.
problem: input displayed c not wanted. display method supposed display c, b, a.
i debug code on paper. don't know why display not retrieving last address of nodes linked in linked list. retrieved last node in list , display last node in list.
public static void main(string[] args) { linkedlist list = new linkedlist(); list.insert("a"); list.insert("b"); list.insert("c"); list.display(); } public void insert(string data) { link link = new link(data); // code executes first time when list has // no node if(head == null) { head = link; tail= link; } // code execute when linked list has 1 or more node else { = tail; tail = link; } } public void display() { while(tail != null) { system.out.println(; tail =; } }
you have created singly linked list. list has head , tail, links head tail. singly linked list design has 1 direction "forward". elements [a,b,c] list linked a->b->c. print elements in reverse order have @ least 2 options. use recursion print elements c , b, or implement doubly linked list
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