java - How do I make a 1D shadow map from an Occlusion Map? Mine becomes white -
i'v been working time in gpu post processing effects game, i'v come issue seems unsolvable, trying achieve top-down directional light.
i have generated occlude map scene, , trying create height map shader inspired pixel perfect shadows tutorial libgdx:
varying vec2 vtexcoord0; uniform sampler2d u_texture; uniform vec2 ts; // occlusion texture size void main(void) { float dst = 1.0; (float y=0.0; y<ts.y; y+=1.0) { float d = y/ts.y; vec2 coord = vec2(vtexcoord0.x, dst); vec4 data = texture2d(u_texture, coord); if (data.r > 0.0) { dst = min(dst, d); } } gl_fragcolor = vec4(dst); }
the input texture sinus wave minimum of 0 , maximum of 100% of texture. (i cannot post pic yet, need more reputation) texture opaque on sine wave(if not flipped after fbo rendered)and transparent there air.
the java render code one:
public void makeshadowmap() { cam2.settoortho(false, shadowmapfbo.getwidth(), shadowmapfbo.getheight()); //cam2.position.set(; cam2.update(); shadowmapshader.setuniformf("ts", alpha.getwidth(),alpha.getheight()); shadowmapfbo.begin(); gdx.gl20.glclearcolor(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f); gdx.gl20.glclear(gl20.gl_color_buffer_bit); gdx.gl20.glenable(gl20.gl_blend); gdx.gl20.glblendfuncseparate(gl20.gl_src_alpha, gl20.gl_one_minus_src_alpha, gl20.gl_one, gl20.gl_one); batch.setprojectionmatrix(cam2.combined); batch.setshader(shadowmapshader); batch.begin(); batch.draw(alpha.getcolorbuffertexture(),0,0, shadowmapfbo.getwidth(), shadowmapfbo.getheight()); // alpha occlusion fbo batch.end(); shadowmapfbo.end(); gdx.gl20.gldisable(gl20.gl_blend); gdx.gl20.glblendfunc(gl20.gl_src_alpha, gl20.gl_one_minus_src_alpha); }
but shader, generates 1d shadow map white, if there nothing on occlusion map. i'v tried flipping occlusion map, i'v looked in error log of shader, , theoretically fine.
what did wrong? there alternative way generate 1d shadow map?
the issue here uniform not set because forgot call begin , end before , after.
shadowmapshader.begin(); shadowmapshader.setuniformf("ts", alpha.getwidth(),alpha.getheight()); shadowmapshader.end();
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